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Why do Pro and Olympic Athletes start drinking Kangen Water?

As we see more and more of the top pro athletes along with football, triathlon, baseball and basketball teams turning to Kangen Water, you have to ask what do they know that we don’t know!

What does drinking Kangen Water do for them?

  • 6 times Better Hydration (1 glass of Kangen Water equals 6 glasses of bottled or tap water in hydration results)

  • Superior Electrolyte Replenishment

  • Faster Muscle Recovery

  • No cramping

  • Stronger Performance

  • Superior focus as brain is hydrated

  • Longer Endurance

Stop drinking ACID (energy drinks) and start drinking Kangen Water!

Some of the names in the sports world who are already Kangen Water Fans!

Jillian Michaels Tiger Woods LA Lakers NY Yankees Michael Shabaz Wade Lightheart US Olympic Ski Team Tom Brady Joe ‘Daddy’ Stevenson

Our Enagic water ionizer machines produce alkalised hydrogen rich water called Kangen Water.

  • Micro-clustered water (5 molecules/cluster versus 15 to 100!) penetrates cellular walls 6x more efficiently to transport nutrients and oxygen for superior hydration, performance and endurance.

  • This micro-clustering flushes out toxins in cells and muscular tissue far better to recover muscles much faster.

  • Super Akaline (pH 9.5 versus pH 3.5 for Gatorade, which is 1 million times more acidic!) to flush out lactic acid and uric acid before you become tired and sore.

  • Super Anti-oxidants (5x more than green tea!) — very anti-inflammatory to restore muscles.

Hydration and Electrolytes

What coach isn’t concerned about hydration and sufficient electrolytes these days? So what to do?

There are many sports drinks used to replenish electrolytes, such as Gatorade and Power Aide. Although the electrolytes are replenished in the fluids OUTSIDE the cells, the electrolytes themselves do not necessarily get enough where you need them: INSIDE the CELLS!

Kangen Water provides NATURAL electrolytes, but most importantly, because of its micro clustering, Kangen Water transports electrolytes into the cells six times more efficiently than Gatorade.

Gatorade and most other sports drinks are acidic. Acid deprives the body of necessary nutrients needed for cell rejuvenation, hydration and stamina.

Kangen Water — better than any other water or drink — goes deeply into the fluid surrounding the cells and bathes and feeds those cells thus giving them more hydration that allows for quicker recovery, increased stamina and extended energy—a far more superior approach to healthy athletics and rapid reduction of lactic acid rather than the alternative unhealthy Gatorade.

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